The Cyprus Third Age Observatory, implementing its commitment to open dialogue with the candidates of the upcoming local government elections, met with Mr Nicos Tornaritis, the candidate for Mayor of Nicosia.
The discussion was very interesting and not only focused on the challenges faced by elderly individuals but also delved into practical solutions that can be implemented to engage them so they can participate in the social and economic life of Nicosia Municipality without discrimination. Mr. Tornaritis listened carefully to the Observatory's proposals, which included prevention programmes, the activation of older people, the social reintegration of the elderly who have no supportive environment, the creation of elderly-friendly municipalities and the fight against ageism. In addition, the President of the Observatory, Mr. Demos Antoniou, informed Mr. Tornaritis about the European programmes "Mentoring Across Borders" and "Remcread", in which the organisation is a partner. These programmes are expected to contribute significantly to efforts for active, healthy and dignified ageing and to the social integration and education of refugee and migrant women through the activation of older volunteers.
Mr Tornaritis developed his ideas for the Nicosia Municipality's older people, underlining the recognition of their valuable contribution to Cyprus's society and economy. He presented programmes that can be implemented in cooperating with the Observatory, aiming to activate and socialise older people. He also stressed the need for Nicosia to become an all-age-friendly municipality, thus promoting equality and inclusiveness in every aspect of municipal life.